A person you care about might become an unknown person to you if they get addicted. Instead of your loving kid or supportive wife, you now have someone who constantly lies or manipulates you. However, our Houston drug treatment center will work with you to help you understand the link between addiction and dishonesty.

What Motivates Addicts to Tell Lies?

Some drug or alcohol addicts will do everything, including lie, to get their fix. Most drug users tell lies about their habits, whether it’s to downplay or deny their addiction. Many people mistakenly believe addicts are only trying to keep themselves safe. In reality, the vast bulk of their untruths serves as a cloak for their drug abuse. Addicts employ deceit to establish control over those they see as their enemies. It’s also to avoid dealing with the consequences of their drug abuse. It may seem like addicts are just manipulating you, but they aren’t. They find it tough to overcome their habit of lying. Here are reasons why some addicts lie:

Avoid being caught.

Many people who are actively misusing drugs do not want anybody else to know about their habit. As a result, they’ll give you bogus stories to keep you from questioning them and to prevent them from getting caught.


Addicts often manufacture evidence to cover up their mistakes because they are embarrassed by their behavior.

Brain altercations

Addiction transforms a person’s brain in such a way that getting high or intoxicated is their primary goal. Thus, if it means getting more drugs, the addict justifies cheating, lying, and stealing to get it.


Not only are they deceiving you, but they could also be deceiving themselves in order to avoid admitting they have a problem.

Identifying Addicts’ Lies

How can you know whether someone is telling the truth or lying? In the event that you suspect an addict of lying, what can you do, and how can you tell? When someone tells a lie, their body language and voice tone alter. More signs include:

  • Telling a tale in too much detail or too vaguely
  • Avoiding eye contact
  • Fidgeting
  • Fussing with their hair whilst speaking.
  • Repeating inquiries before replying

At Taylor Recovery Center, we have experts who can help if you suspect that a beloved one is lying because they are in the midst of active addiction. Addicts and alcoholics in Houston, Texas, can get help with their addictions and alcoholism via our professional addiction treatment services.

The Best Way to Deal with a Liar Addict

A loved one’s heart may be broken when they lie due to their addiction. Feeling betrayed, enraged, or offended is a common emotion. Understanding the role that the alcohol or drugs that a beloved one is misusing plays in their behavior is critical when dealing with addiction. This is not who they really are, and because of this, they need your help to break free from the deadly grip of addiction.

Contact Taylor for The Most Effective Treatment Solutions in Houston

Your loved one, acquaintance, or family member may benefit from an intervention. Families in Houston should turn to Taylor Recovery Center for help in regaining control of their loved one’s life. Please contact Taylor Recovery if you have any suspicions that a loved one is telling you lies in order to feed their active addiction.