Your upholstered furniture such as chairs and sofas are subjected to heavy use regularly. Therefore, they require proper cleaning and maintenance in return. We are shedding light on the “dos” and “don’ts” which you have to keep in mind while cleaning your upholstery. So, let’s have a look!


  • Act Immediately

It is highly recommended to act immediately to remove a stain so that it can’t be absorbed or seep through the upholstery fibers. Once stains are set in the fibers it will be extremely tough to remove them from the scratch. The quicker you act, the more will be the chance of completely removing the stain.

  • Test Your Cleaning Solution

The selection of the wrong stain remover or cleaning solution will make the stain worse, or may even cause damage to the upholstery. Therefore, it’s very important to first test the stain remover before applying.

  • Read the Instructions Before Application

Every stain remover has its own application method, drying time, and a few cautions. If you’ve bought any upholstery cleaning solution, read its labels first.


  • Don’t Start To Blot From The Center

Do not blot the stain in the center because this is where it’s most concentrated. If you start blotting it from the center, the stain will start to spread. When removing the stain, first blot or wipe from the outer edges and then move towards the center.

  • Don’t Use Bleach

Never use bleach to remove the stains otherwise it can make it worse. What’s more, bleach can affect the entire material. It can be the biggest mistake to use bleaching agents while cleaning your upholstery otherwise you may have to reupholster the entire piece of material.

  • Don’t Scrub or Rub

Vigorous scrubbing and rubbing can cause the stain to penetrate further into the upholstery fibers thereby resulting in damaging the material. This act produces heat which causes the stain to bond strongly to the material. It can also distort the pile. Instead of doing so, it’s recommended to scrape up the stain first using a spoon and then blot it using a clean towel.

  • Don’t Use Heat

Using the hot water can chemically change the stain and cause it to bond to the fibers. All kinds of protein stains are susceptible to heat. Vinegar and other types of acids can also serve as heating agents and chemically affects the stains. Therefore, using cool or warm water is required while cleaning your upholstery.

  • Don’t Use Harsh Chemicals

Harsh cleaning solutions and chemicals can badly damage the upholstery. It is wise to remove the stains with simple mild detergents combined with water.

  • Don’t Take On The Project

The important thing is to never start upholstery cleaning project until and unless you don’t have enough knowledge regarding that. Instead, hire professionals for the services.

So, there you have it….Just a few of the do’s and don’ts while cleaning your upholstery. Focusing on such points will help you do this more efficiently.  Hope you guys have now enough information on what to do and what to not!