There are many times when we see the people that we know go through situations that make them depressed and anxious. In these situations, they cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel, all they see is the gloominess of the entire scenario. This mindset is destructive and can be quite harmful in the long run. What this does is that it can make the person want to get happiness easily, and these feel-good moments can come from trying drugs. All drugs work for a short period of time, they make the person who does drugs forget about themselves completely, and make them feel good for a while. But the consequences and the aftereffects of the entire ordeal can be devastating and life-threatening. This is where you come where you can see if they are showing symptoms where they might be in need of a drug rehab treatment. If they are, there are many treatment programs for drug addiction which you can check. Click here to find more about these treatment programs.
So, how does one know if someone needs drug rehab treatment from medical health professionals? By just looking at the symptoms. There are four types of symptoms you need to lookout for, they are:
1). Emotional.
2). Cognitive.
3). Physical.
4). Behavioral.
Emotional symptoms of drug addiction.
In the first one, the emotional symptoms are basically that the drug addict shows very clearly. It is not very hard to spot them. The symptoms are being irritated all the time at the slightest most insignificant thing. Being depressed and gloomy all the time. Having unwanted mood swings. You will see them having manic depressive episodes, where at one moment they are absolutely fine and at another moment they are crying and depressed. And you will see them sleeping all the time or after a manic episode, their body will completely crash and fall to sleep. In the emotional context, the drug addict can say some hurtful things and do some hurtful things as well to let out their frustration and anger.
Cognitive symptoms to look for.
The cognitive symptoms are also easy to catch. These are the symptoms of how well a person treats the people and the world around them. Their perception of the world and how skewed it has gotten because of the drug addiction.
So, you will see them being paranoid all the time, you will see that they will make up stories in their minds to fit the narrative of the situation they are in. If they are depressed, they will make the world their enemy and make themselves and their actions right. You will see them being so far away from reality that they will have created their own little bubble. Most of all, they will have hallucinations, mostly during the night.
Physical symptoms.
Open your ears for these symptoms as well as your ears. If you see them laying down with their hand on top of their forehead, it means they have severe headaches, if they complain about it, it can be migraines. They will also sometimes come to you and say they feel nauseated. Other than this, their weight will gain or lose excessively. Sleep deprivation and insomnia will become a norm for them.
Behavioral symptoms.
You will see them lie to you, they will be up all night being anxious and you will see scratch marks on their body and if you ask them, they won’t know about it. They will be secretive, and show erratic behavior towards you, their studies and work will be greatly affected.
So, check all these symptoms and if you do find all of these symptoms in them, then it is time for serious medical drug rehab treatment.