A fully managed WordPress hosting plan is perfect for any online business. In addition to the hardware and expertise on WordPress, a managed host will offer additional services and features that are designed to simplify the burden of the website owners.

Let us look at some of the reasons why solution a hosting plan can be so valuable for customers.

  1. Constant support from WordPress experts

Most hosting companies will offer some amount of customer support. But, when it comes to managed WordPress hosting plans, you can expect a far greater level of support. Their support team is trustworthy and experienced in WordPress. They can assist with specific issues such as plug-in conflict, tricky themes or server-level problems. They have had previous experiences with WordPress and its users. This makes them more suitable to answer your queries.

  1. Best security practices from the hosting providers

Security is a significant concern for most online businesses. Managed WordPress hosting in India is quite advanced and it will have benefits such as security enhancements. A lot of managed WordPress solutions will have daily backups of websites, so they can be restored in case of a disaster. Managed hosts even optimise the servers for WordPress security. This means that the users will not need to be worried about security plugins. Also, the support team can help cleaning up malware in case of an attack.

  1. More than setting up the servers

A significant benefit of managed WordPress hosting is that they provide more than just the bare minimum server setup. Managed WordPress hosting providers will help set up the servers and offer much more such as, workflow tools, educational resources, and collaboration features.

  1. Easy installation of SSL certificate

With fully managed WordPress hosting you can easily install SSL certificate. This means there’s no need for hours of manual installation, configuration, troubleshooting and monitoring. The process becomes stress-free for you as experts do most of the work. They ensure that your site is safe and secure. Think of it as a white-glove service for your SSL certificate installation.

  1. Quick access to developer tools

A managed WordPress hosting solution offers quick access to developer tools. Some important actions that can be performed include toggling the development mode, flushing the cache, exporting logs, managing the database, or accessing the SFTP. Also, staging sites and development environments are available with a managed hosting solution.

To sum it up, managed WordPress hosting can handle all of the above-mentioned tasks. This will allow you to focus more on your business online.