Having perfect feet is like a dream for most people. Many things from shoe style to medical problems, including diabetes can lead to foot imperfections, which can cause feet ache or pain. If you are looking for the best solution to treat your foot pain, then you must opt for orthotics.

Dr. SimaSoltani Podiatry Office is a professional custom orthotics in Orange County, California, U.S. as they have over 20 years of experience in treating various foot-related issues, from toenail to foot pain, at reasonable rates.

Differences between inserts and orthotics

You can purchase inserts in stores without prescription to provide support and cushioning for the foot, but they can’t your foot issues. If you are facing problems with walking, standing, or running, custom orthotics are an ideal option. They can help to get relief from foot pain ache caused due to various medical problems, including arthritis, bursitis, diabetes, plantar fasciitis, and others.

Orthotics provide the exact support that you need as they are made to fit the size and contour of the feet. Inserts, which are not custom made end up creating much pain rather than resolving it.

Benefits of orthotics

The following are a few benefits of orthotics that help you to understand how orthotics can help to correct your foot problems.

Corrects underlying cause

Although discomfort is one of the symptoms of foot pain, the major culprit is structural abnormalities like high arches or collapsed arches. In such a case, orthotics can correct the cause and helps you in getting relief from the pain.

Alleviates pressure

Orthotics not only provides support but also cushions your feet by redistributing the pressure, which helps people who stand for long periods and people with arthritis. Also, it helps to prevent ulcers and other abnormalities associated with diabetes.

Enhances ankle, back, and knee health

People with ankle, back, or knee health can benefit from orthotics as they help to maintain healthy motion range and proper alignment. Foot issues can lessen mobility and create pain in muscles, tendons, and joints. This creates stress over the bony structures and soft tissues in the lower and back extremities. Orthotics can avoid these issues and returns the proper alignment of the feet.

Enhances athletic performance

Foot abnormalities affect both young athletes and seasoned warriors alike. Foot pain disturbs your activities from golf stance to weekend cycling. With the help of orthotics, you can defeat the pain that restricts your performance.

Improves overall health

Whether you are running or working out, orthotics can help to make things easier and more enjoyable.

Kinds of orthotics

Functional or rigid orthotics –This orthotics are made with materials such as carbon fiber or plastic. They are ideal for dress or walking shoes with low heels and closed toes and they are made to ease strain and aches of the feet and lower back legs, and thighs pain.

Accommodative or soft orthotics –This orthotics are made with compression materials, so they can provide cushioning to the feet. This helps to relieve pressure from foot issues like diabetic foot ulcers or plantar fasciitis.

In addition to the above, you can find special orthotics for sports, including ice skates and ski boots.

What is the cost of orthotics?

The cost of orthotics is expensive compared to insoles and it depends on many factors. However, the cost varies from $200-$800 and the resurfacing cost varies from $50-$100. Also, you have to choose the style depending on your need like full-length inserts for hiking or sneaker boots.

How orthotics is made?

Making quality orthotics involves a multi-step process. They include:

Evaluation After consulting your podiatrist, you have to go through an examination, such as:

  • Motion test
  • Muscle examination
  • Symmetry
  • Toe wear
  • Heel tipping
  1. Foot casting 

After completing the examination, your feet will be cast. Your foot doctor will do:

  • Non-weight bearing foot casting
  • Placing the foot in the neutral position

The common foot casting method is done with plaster strips. In this method, wet strips are wrapped over the foot and sent to the lab. This plaster takes around a day to harden, then your foot doctor removes it and stores before sending it to the lab.

  1. Lab

After foot casting, your prescription and foot mold will be sent to the laboratory. The prescription includes dimensions, materials, and accessories used in making orthotics. Also, it includes the specifications and measurements taken from the examination. The lab follows the below steps while making the orthotics, such as:

  • An individual cast is wrapped over plastic material or graphite sheet under intense heat
  • Durable and comfortable material is attached for the arch structure and harder heel


For optimum results, orthotics are made with materials that resist various motions and forces, which you will keep over the feet. These materials are not only rigid but also control irregular injury as well. Also, comfortable and flexible that is compatible with the activities. Usually, 2 kinds of materials are used in making orthotics:

  • Plastic
  • Graphite

Materials that are suitable for one individual may not be suitable for others as each individual foot needs individual attention. Choose a professional podiatrist who offers the best custom orthotics and consult today to get the suitable one for you.